Builder® Monolift [set]

The Get RX’d Builder® Monolift eliminates the need for a walkout before performing a squat. In turn, the user is able to save energy and increase efficiency for heavy loads. The hooks automatically unlock the bar as the lifter gets under the bar and stands. Re-racking the bar is only a matter taking a short step or two.


The Get RX’d Builder® Monolift eliminates the need for a walkout before performing a squat. In turn, the user is able to save energy and increase efficiency for heavy loads. The hooks automatically unlock the bar as the lifter gets under the bar and stands. Re-racking the bar is only a matter of taking a short step or two.

The Builder® Monolift attaches to your Get RX’d Builder® Rig the same way you would attach j-cups: simply insert it into any hole in the rig’s uprights. Each hook is made with solid, powder-coated steel and padded with nylon to protect your bar from scratches.

Compatible with Get RX’d 3″x3″ Builder® rig and racks only.

Material: Solid steel, nylon padding
Weight: 27 LBS (each hook)
