
  • Fitnex Light Commercial Recumbent R55SG

    A self generating recumbent bike that is packed with enough features to do duty at the local gym. Includes 6 preset programs with 10 on each program and heart rate control program has 1 stages and 16 levels of resistance. Feedback includes time, distance, speed, heart rate, calories, rpm, watts, work level.

    warranty details
    • Life Time Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Years Parts
    • 2 Years labour
    • Console: LCD with blue and green backlite display
    • Program: 15 Programs, 4 User Set programs, 4 Heart Rate Control, 6 Pre Set interval Programs, Fat Burning, Rolling, Ramp, Mountains, Valley
    • Level of Resistance: 16
    • Torque: 250 watts
    • Floor Space: 91cm x 58cm
    • Maximum User Weight: 300Lbs/135kg
    • Feedback: Time, Work Level, Distance, Watt, Speed, Pulse, Calories
  • Fitnex Light Commercial Upright B55

    A self generating bike that is packed with enough features to do duty at the local gym. Includes 6 preset programs with 10 on each program and heart rate control program has 1 stages and 16 levels of resistance. Feedback includes time, distance, speed, heart rate, calories, rpm, watts, work level.

    warranty details
    • Life Time Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Years Parts
    • 2 Years labour
    • Console: LCD with blue and green backlite display
    • Program: 15 Programs, 4 User Set programs, 4 Heart Rate Control, 6 Pre Set interval Programs, Fat Burning, Rolling, Ramp, Mountains, Valley
    • Level of Resistance: 16
    • Torque: 250 watts
    • Floor Space: 96cm x 58cm
    • Maximum User Weight: 300Lbs/135kg
    • Feedback: Time, Work Level, Distance, Watt, Speed, Pulse, Calories
  • Fitnex Recumbent Bike R65

    The wide, easy-to-access walkthrough design of R65 allows exercisers to get on and off conveniently. Double beam trajectories of the seat adjustment provide a fluid motion to find the ideal workout position with a comfortable feeling. Bilateral handles with heart-rate sensors ensure stability and assist the operator in measuring their physical conditions. The ventilated backrest offers an optimal comfort and extreme support.

  • Fitnex Upright Bike B65

    The high-quality, well-stitched upholstery with intuitively adjustable devising accommodates exercisers at any height and operates conveniently. A sleek, multi-function console can equip with the tablet for engaging your favorite entertainment and controlling the exercise process. Dual elbow pads release the compression of the arm to promote workout durability.