Exercise Bikes

For some truly amazing results, we recommend commercial exercise bikes. This equipment can help you to bulk up your leg muscles by targeting your glutes, quads and hamstrings. It can also help to reduce the stress placed on your knees, ankles and feet. Unlike with treadmills, the heavier you are and the faster you pedal, the more calories you’re able to burn.

  • Fitnex Light Commercial Recumbent R55SG

    A self generating recumbent bike that is packed with enough features to do duty at the local gym. Includes 6 preset programs with 10 on each program and heart rate control program has 1 stages and 16 levels of resistance. Feedback includes time, distance, speed, heart rate, calories, rpm, watts, work level.

    warranty details
    • Life Time Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Years Parts
    • 2 Years labour
    • Console: LCD with blue and green backlite display
    • Program: 15 Programs, 4 User Set programs, 4 Heart Rate Control, 6 Pre Set interval Programs, Fat Burning, Rolling, Ramp, Mountains, Valley
    • Level of Resistance: 16
    • Torque: 250 watts
    • Floor Space: 91cm x 58cm
    • Maximum User Weight: 300Lbs/135kg
    • Feedback: Time, Work Level, Distance, Watt, Speed, Pulse, Calories
  • Fitnex Light Commercial Upright B55

    A self generating bike that is packed with enough features to do duty at the local gym. Includes 6 preset programs with 10 on each program and heart rate control program has 1 stages and 16 levels of resistance. Feedback includes time, distance, speed, heart rate, calories, rpm, watts, work level.

    warranty details
    • Life Time Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Years Parts
    • 2 Years labour
    • Console: LCD with blue and green backlite display
    • Program: 15 Programs, 4 User Set programs, 4 Heart Rate Control, 6 Pre Set interval Programs, Fat Burning, Rolling, Ramp, Mountains, Valley
    • Level of Resistance: 16
    • Torque: 250 watts
    • Floor Space: 96cm x 58cm
    • Maximum User Weight: 300Lbs/135kg
    • Feedback: Time, Work Level, Distance, Watt, Speed, Pulse, Calories
  • Fitnex Recumbent Bike R65

    The wide, easy-to-access walkthrough design of R65 allows exercisers to get on and off conveniently. Double beam trajectories of the seat adjustment provide a fluid motion to find the ideal workout position with a comfortable feeling. Bilateral handles with heart-rate sensors ensure stability and assist the operator in measuring their physical conditions. The ventilated backrest offers an optimal comfort and extreme support.

  • Fitnex Upright Bike B65

    The high-quality, well-stitched upholstery with intuitively adjustable devising accommodates exercisers at any height and operates conveniently. A sleek, multi-function console can equip with the tablet for engaging your favorite entertainment and controlling the exercise process. Dual elbow pads release the compression of the arm to promote workout durability.

  • Steelflex PB10

    The streamline Steelflex PB10 features oversized self-balancing peddles and an easy-to-use console ensures a smooth and comfortable cycling experience for a more enjoyable and efficient workout.

    warranty details
    • Lifetime Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Year Parts
    • 1 Year Labour
    • Console: 16 x 20 Matrix LED Display, 6 Window Display
    • Program: Manual, Cardio, Interval, Fat Burn, Training, Heart Rate Control, Custom USB
    • Level of Resistance: 24
    • Torque: 10 – 400 Watts
    • Floor Space: 124 x 65 x 152cm
    • Max User Weight: 180kg
    • Feedback: Time, Distance, Calories, Pulse, Level, Speed, Watt, RPM
  • Steelflex PR10

    With self-balancing peddles and adjustable seating, the PR10 is ideal for every user. This model promises superior riding comfort to ensure each cardio workout is enjoyable and efficient.

    warranty details
    • Lifetime Frame
    • 3 Year Motor and Drive System
    • 2 Year Parts
    • 1 Year Labour
    • Console: 16 x 20 Matrix LED Display
    • Program: Manual, Cardio, Interval, Fat Burn, Training, Heart Rate Control, Custom USB
    • Level of Resistance: 24
    • Torque: 10 – 400 Watts
    • Floor Space: 178.5 – 76 – 143cm
    • Max User Weight: 180kg
    • Feedback: Time, Distance, Calories, Pulse, Level, Speed, Watt, RPM
  • Steelflex Recumbent Bike PR30

    The recumbent bike PR30 features a fifteen-point-six-inches TFT touchscreen. An electrically controlled resistance with a commercial-grade 450W self-generator power supply design facilitates exercisers to enhance workout efficiency from riding. The engineering of resistance is in thirty level adjustments. A semi-tilt adjustment of upholstery in ergonomics allows smoother movements of the hip joint. An exclusive, innovative design of backrest and upholstery ensure the hip and back stay in place.

  • Steelflex Upright Bike PB30

    The upright bike PB30 features a fifteen-point-six-inches TFT touchscreen. An electrically controlled resistance with a commercial-grade 450W self-generator power supply design facilitates exercisers to enhance workout efficiency from riding. The engineering of resistance is in thirty level adjustments. Ergonomically designed handles allow more comfortable riding in sitting and standing postures. The quality upholstery involves a stepless adjustment.

Exercise Bikes

Although there are many reasons that you should look at commercial exercise bikes for sale, we’ve outlined some of the key benefits below:

Easy On The joints – One of the main reasons that stationary bicycles are so desirable for cardio workouts is that they’re incredibly easy on our joints (notably our knees and ankles). They’re also particularly beneficial for anyone suffering from joint problems or injuries.

Use In Any Weather – Another reason to use commercial spin bikes in Melbourne is that they’re designed to be used indoors, enabling you to get in your daily dose of exercise no matter the weather. If you’re only chance to exercise is at night, commercial stationary bikes are a safe option.

Programs For Different Goals – Most professional spin bikes for sale also offer a variety of different programs, which can be used to help you reach your fitness goals. Some of these include strength training, speed training and even improving your recovery time.

Exercise bikes are the one of the best ways to keep fit without putting stress on your muscles and joints. It’s the perfect way to get the heart rate up and get the cardiovascular workout you need whilst being completely weight bearing

  • Around 20 minutes per day is all that is required; it’s easy to put your bike in front of the television or listen to the new CD you’ve just bought, making the time fly by.
  • These bikes are very compact and do not take up a lot of room, which is another plus when trying to cram it into your already cluttered home.
  • We stock the highest quality commercial exercise bikes in Melbourne with some of the best brands available such as Aristo, Fitnex and Steelflex.

We take after sale service very seriously at Xtreme Fitness, which is why we offer a long, hassle free warranty on all equipment we sell. We have also have a warehouse that is fully stocked with spare parts just in case something goes wrong; the bike can be fixed quickly and efficiently.

Area We Service We’re proud to offer leading brands and the highest quality fitness centre fit-outs across Australia. With nationwide distribution, we’re able to service gyms around the country, including Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, and the Gold Coast.


Please send us any product related questions that may help you with your purchase decision here