Looking to get prolonged use out of your Fitness Equipment Investment?
Preventative maintenance is the way to go. For a relatively low monthly cost you can have your equipment running at its optimum, keeping your service costs down and extending the life of your equipment.
We make sure your equipment is running at its best, clean, presented well and is safe for your customers.
Our Factory trained professional service technicians will check every piece of equipment from top to bottom tighten all the nuts and bolts, check cables and pulleys, re-aligned, re-tension and lubricate treadmill running mats, clean dust particles from sensitive electronics etc, the list goes on.
Many of the problems associated with equipment failure could have be avoided by following some simple maintenance procedures. Similar to checking the oil in your car!! Its a simple fix but if neglected it can cost you a small fortune in spare parts replacement and labour!
Having a treadmill running belt running off line can cause damage that could cost $100’s of dollars to replace, however with simple maintenance you could keep replacement costs at bay.
We will provide you with an onsite service report indicating the work that has been completed and then an in-depth post service report outlining potential problems that need to be addressed.
We have a custom designed service software package that delivers up to date in real time service history of your products. Once we set up your facility, we provide each piece of equipment with its own QR code. You can scan this code at anytime with your smart phone camera and instantly get access to that piece of equipment (we call assets). Here you can log a service repair or look up its service history, serial number, brand, make model etc. Even date of purchase if this information is available to put in.
This information is invaluable as you can see if an asset is starting to become expensive due to age and frequency of repairs etc. And this can help in the decision to continue to repair or replace.
Facility management companies absolutely love this as it gives them the information they need to present to Body Corporate committees, making the manager look like the star of the show, and only enhances the ability to provide a premium service to your customers.
If you would like an assessment of your equipment let us know your details and we can have one of our commercial representatives call and make an appointment. As a Preventative Maintenance customer, you will also receive a 20% discount off the cost of spare parts. and provide a no-obligation quotation.