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Steelflex Hope Series Biceps Curl - GSS- HBC600

For a machine that expertly targets the Biceps and elbow flexors, look no further than the Steelflex Hope Series Bicep Curl machine. This pin-loaded machine combines state-of-the-art cable driving concept and a unique 360-degree rotary design to ensure the user can comfortably adjust their position naturally and smoothly without unnecessary force that could otherwise do damage or detract from the workout at hand. Featuring ergonomic grips and padded seating and arm support, the user can comfortably complete an effective workout, each and every time.

warranty details
  • Lifetime – Frame, Welds, Guide Rods, to the original purchaser
  • 2 Years – Bushings, Bearings, Pulleys & Hardware
  • 1 Year – Labour, Cables, Upholstery, Grips & all other components

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